Timed Intercourse

OI-TI(Ovulation Induction- Timed Intercourse)

Even after trying so many times, there are chances you might fail to conceive. There are many reasons, including infertility, fertility window, etc. Doctors conduct standard fertility tests at fertility clinics to understand the reason. Based on these tests, they will suggest the most efficient and effective way for you. Timed Intercourse can be one such technique. Timed intercourse is suggested by specialists to increase the chances of conceiving. It is a strategic technique to optimize the fertility window with guidance from medical experts and medications. Can one time intercourse cause pregnancy. Let’s check out in detail:

What is a timed Intercourse?

Timed Intercourse, also called OI-TI (Ovulation induction- timed Intercourse), is one of the simplest treatments for conceiving. It's a strategic technique suggested by doctors with some medications. After some standard fertility tests, your ovarian cycle via ultrasound is monitored, and hormone testing is conducted. It helps to predict the time when you are most fertile. The time when you are most fertile is called your fertility window. So, Intercourse during that fertility window is the best time to have intercourse for pregnancy. The couple will have 2 to 3 days around the positive ovulation kit results for Intercourse. Generally, during 2 to 3 days, there is a rise in basal body temperature (BBT).

Timed intercourse is the best option for the treatment of unexplained infertility or in case of ovulation disorder. If ovulation does not occur regularly or on a timely basis for pregnancy to occur, timed intercourse is suggested. The timed intercourse suggested by our experts is often after semen testing and hormonal tests. If the semen test is normal and the hormonal test (AMH, TSH, and PRL) is normal for women, we suggest a few cycles or a few months of timed intercourse. Women are given a dose of Clomiphene or letrozole, a mild medicine, for 5 days, and the cycle is monitored with ultrasound from Day 2, Day 6, Day 9, and Day 11 of the menstrual cycle. The injection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is given once the follicle diameter is between 18 -20 mm in patients. Then, we suggest the couple have normal sex for two to three days. Most of the couples achieve pregnancy in three or more tries. If this doesn't work, we suggest patients other treatments after a thorough assessment.

Timed Intercourse or OI-TI (Ovulation induction- timed intercourse) is a technical, clinical service that requires high precision. Doctors need to monitor the cycle to find the time when women are most fertile, and ovulation is taking place to get results. There are only approximately five days before and up to several hours after ovulation for a woman to conceive. Otherwise, the couple has to wait for the next menstrual cycle to conceive naturally. Fertility experts suggest 3 or 4 cycles; if conception does not happen, they will conduct an assessment for different fertility treatments to conceive or increase the chances of conceiving.

The process of OI-TI Treatment or Timed Intercourse

The OI-TI (Ovulation induction- timed intercourse) is usually suggested on the second day of the menstrual cycle. You will be asked to visit the fertility clinic on the 2nd or 3rd day of your cycle for an ultrasound. Doctors will plan your medications for timed intercourse procedures. These medications help in controlling the process of ovulation. You will get your course of medicine and frequency of ultrasound to track the progress. Based on the monitoring and results, specialists will suggest days for Intercourse to take advantage of the fertility window. The procedure can be one time intercourse cause pregnancy or more, as suggested by doctors.

What are the risks of OI-TI (Ovulation induction- timed Intercourse)?

The OI-TI (Ovulation induction- timed intercourse) might not have success in the first try itself. The average intercourse time in India is 13 minutes, which may or may not result in pregnancy. However, you do not have to feel negative or disheartened. The main aim of OI-TI (Ovulation induction- timed Intercourse) is to conceive naturally. Doctors may suggest alternative procedures like IVF treatment.

Bloom IVF- A Complete Fertility Clinic

Bloom IVF is one of the finest fertility clinics for infertility treatments, pregnancy, and more. We have the latest technology, equipment, and well-trained specialists to help you. From PCOS treatment to PRP treatment and more, we help you increase your chances of conveying. Our team conducts standard fertility tests to identify the issues and suggest the most effective treatments. Whether it's assessment, fertility test, or treatment, our team will help you guide throughout the process. You can ask about your doubts and queries to make the process smoother. We have a high success rate, so if one treatment doesn't work, we suggest alternative treatments using the latest techniques. So, if you're planning to conceive but are facing difficulty, we can help you.

Let’s Get Started With Fertility Treatments, Call Bloom IVF Now!

Step-by-Step Procedure of Timed Intercourse

Starts from day 2 of the cycle, Ultrasound on day 2 for AFC
Start the medicine like clomiphene citrate, Letroze for 5 days
Repeat scan on day 8,10,12,14 to trace the follicular growth.
Once the follicle reaches 18-19 mm then to take inj HCG for rupture of follicle
To keep relations on preferably on alternate days after confirming rupture

Common Questions

If you could not find an answer to your query, please contact us.

The chances of conceiving with timed intercourse are 14 to 23%, depending on the prediction and Intercourse.
The best time for Intercourse is 18-24 hours after a natural LH ovulation surge.
Many doctors suggest OI-TI cycles 2-3 times in some patients before moving to advanced treatments.
After the procedure, you will be advised to check for pregnancy after 14 days.
On average intercourse time is 13 minutes. However, it depends on the individual.
For a Timed intercourse procedure, not more than 3 cycles are suggested by doctors.