Egg Oocyte Freezing: Benefits, Procedure, and More

Women are empowered to make their own decisions and have aspirations. However, as much as they wish to make career goals, there is a biological clock that reduces the chance of becoming a mother with increasing age. However, irrespective of fertility-related issues, many men and women have been able to bear children. The advances in life sciences now enable women to become pregnant. Numerous therapies are available, including luteal phase, PRP treatment, laser-assisted hatching, and others. The best way to increase your chances of conceiving later is egg freezing. From 21 to 30, the quality of eggs is high, which helps in conceiving. Freezing eggs during this age can help women in many ways, as they can use healthy and high-quality eggs for conceiving. Let us understand egg oocyte freezing, benefits, procedures, and more.

What is oocyte freezing?

Oocyte freezing, also called cryopreservation, is a process of simulation of ovaries and freezing eggs that can be used for conceiving later. The technique is extremely popular and helps women to delay pregnancy to a later date. The procedure freezes eggs at low temperatures which helps eggs to stay fresh for a long time. It is a popular technique performed by experienced experts with precision. The eggs freeze at low temperatures, allowing them to stay fresh and high-quality for a long time. Any chemical or enzymatic activity that might cause egg impairment is effectively stopped with the process. The Egg oocyte freezing treatment uses a coating material to freeze eggs with precision.

How does egg oocyte freezing work?

Egg Oocyte Freezing is a medical procedure to freeze high-quality eggs at a certain age for conceiving later. This procedure follows certain steps that include:

  • The egg retrieval process is similar to the IVF process. Initially, with consultation, you will get to know about the process in detail and how it will process. You will have to provide the amount of time you want to freeze your eggs in the consent form.
  • Doctors will conduct early assessments to understand the conditions. It is recommended to share your medical history and other details.
  • You will be tested for diseases like HIV and hepatitis C to protect other frozen samples. 
  • To start the process, a few weeks will go in medication and gonadotropin injections that help stimulate the ovaries to grow into eggs.
  • After stimulation of ovaries and eggs, an egg retrieval process similar to ovaries will take place.
  • There are two oocyte freezing protocol- The slow-cooling method and the latest flash-freezing method, which is known as Vitrification. Vitrification is a fast process and needs a high concentration of cryoprotectants. The cryoprotectant is a freezing solution added to protect eggs while they are frozen.
  • The frozen eggs are then placed into liquid nitrogen containers for sampling with a unique identification number.
  • Later, whenever you want to use frozen eggs for single embryo transfer, IVF, or any other treatment, you will have a high-quality option.

What are important things to consider when freezing eggs?

If you are opting for the Egg Oocyte Freezing Treatment in India, you need to understand a few things. Here is the list of things to consider that you can also confirm with a fertility expert:

  • Freezing your eggs does not guarantee successful pregnancy in the future. However, it can provide you with a good chance of conceiving.
  • Apart from medications, procedures, and consultation, egg-freezing storage for the amount of time you need can be expensive.
  • The high success for pregnancy later is influenced by the age at which you will freeze your eggs. So, it is often suggested to freeze eggs early in your 20s or 30s.

What are the risks for egg oocyte freezing?

Egg oocyte freezing is known to be safe and successful if conducted early. However, there are some/certain risks with egg freezing. 

  • Not all eggs survive during the freezing and thawing process. There are chances of egg damage.
  • Intracellular freezing should be avoided as it can destroy the integrity of eggs. 
  • Cryopreservation with cryoprotectants penetrates into cells and dehydrates, which can be toxic for cells.
  • There can be emotional side effects, as hormonal medications during the process can have potential side effects.
  • Other risks include bleeding, infection, cramping, bloating, and Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

What are the benefits of egg freezing?

Egg oocyte freezing treatment can provide many benefits for women, such as:

  • Chances of conceiving later: Women who wish to delay their pregnancy often worry about the biological clock. With age, the chances of pregnancy are reduced, causing fertility anxiety among women. Egg Oocyte Freezing Treatment in Mumbai can provide a good chance of conceiving later.
  • Protection: During medical treatments or medications for various diseases, the egg quality can be reduced, and there are even chances of infertility. Especially during cancer medication and treatment, the egg quality can be reduced. So, it is recommended to opt for egg freezing for protection.
  • Give you time: Sometimes, women are not ready for pregnancy for different reasons. They want to know their partners before proceeding with pregnancy. However, the biological clock doesn't wait for anyone; freezing eggs can help with conceiving.

Other treatments: Frozen eggs can help in other fertility treatments. If, for any reason, there are chances of infertility or problems in conceiving, frozen eggs will help. More successful results are possible with advanced treatments like IVI, IUI treatment, or ICSI.

Bloom IVF: Get Top-Tier Fertility Treatments

If you are looking for a fertility clinic, Bloom IVF is one of the finest IVF clinics in India. You can consult with well-qualified fertility experts for detailed information. Whether you are searching for fertility treatment for infertility issues, we can assist. We offer an embryoscope, spindle check, and more. Bloom IVF has the latest diagnosis and treatment for your issues.

Our team will take your assessment test to understand your requirements and treatment options. We take your tests to identify root causes and provide you with effective treatment options. So, you can get in touch for diagnosis and treatments like sequential transfer.

Take a free consultation!

Step-by-Step Procedure of Egg Oocyte Freezing

Start from day 2 of the cycle Day 2 ultrasound done for AFC
Ovarian stimulation by using Inj gonadotrophins for 10 -12 days
Serial monitoring of follicles done by USG every 3 -4 days
Oocyte retrival done under general anesthesia once the foolicles reach 18 -20 mm
Denudation of oocytes done in laboratory , M2 identified.

Common Questions

If you could not find an answer to your query, please contact us.

The egg quality is at its peak between the 20s and 30s, so during this time, you can opt for egg freezing to get better chances of IVF treatment. The best time for egg freezing is between 27 to 37.
The risks related to egg freezing are similar to ovarian stimulation for IVF, such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, infection, and bleeding that are related to the egg retrieval procedure.
The freezing embryos need sperm/insemination; however, oocyte freezing doesn't need insemination.
Women under the age of 35 should freeze 20 eggs to have at least 85% chance of having a child. For the safe side, you can freeze up to 30 eggs for increased chances. For more details, it is best to speak to your fertility specialist.
Indeed! Your menstrual cycle will continue as it is used to, even if you freeze your eggs. Hence, egg freezing is not known to cease periods.
It varies depending on the person. Some may see it as a little discomfort, while it is severely painful for some other women.